Trade show wrap-up, useful links and a big THANKS!
Over the past three weeks I've had the opportunity to speak to hundreds of people at 8 different shows in Guangzhou and Hong Kong--that's significant because it means that even over Passover/Easter weekend there are more buyers coming to the HK shows than we've seen in the past two years. While the economy is still not great, it seems to be getting better. And the audience seems to be changing too. Many more Aussie, South American and Middle Eastern Buyers than I've worked with in the past. The majority is still Western Euro and North American buyers, for sure. But the % are probably 1/2 what they were 3-4 years ago.Here is a sample of the positive response I've received from buyers. Thanks so much!!
Dear David,Thank you for the presentation. And thank you for your speech. It was the most helpful conference at the [Global Sources China Sourcing] Fair. Our company is looking into starting doing business with China, and the amount of questions that rise with that proposition is immense. And I believe you answered practically all the questions that were overwhelming my thoughts in the past few months. And for that I am truly grateful to you.Truly yours,Vladimir ********Project Manager
And to try to help others that did not have the opportunity to attend the show here are some links to the presentations.1. Link to video file for Global Sources, "What New Buyers Need to Know."2. PDF version of slide presentation of Global Sources, "Buying from China: What New Buyers Need to Know."3. PDF version of slide presentatation of Global Sources, "Advanced Sourcing Strategies: Improving Sourcing Performance."If you can't attend the shows, or if you'd like a postview of what was there, Global Sources now has a new service called: Online Sourcing Fairs. Actual photos/video of the booths, products and items in the shows here in HK. Three of the shows are online now, Security Products, Garments and Textiles, and Gifts and Premiums.And the latest version of the China Sourcer magazine from CSIC is out today too.