Which is worse for the future of the US Chinese relations?
Not sure which is more foreboding for the future of the US Chinese relations.The fact that the Chinese publicly don't think that Obama can handle the pressure or make any significant change (smarter than we give them credit for, eh?).OrThe fact that "it's the economy, stupid" and McCain is economically stupid, by his own admission!Scary.Could the two US political parties have put forward two worse options for President? Our choice as voters is either an extremely liberal political neophyte or a economically challenged bitter centrist. Whiners on both sides will say "But he's the first black president!" or "But he's a war hero!"So what?! How about this for novel voting criteria: "Is he competent?!"I remember in 1992 when Clinton was elected I had some family traveling in Europe. While there, they were constantly mocked due to the fact that the US people just elected BC--they couldn't believe how stupid that vote/selection was (smarter than we give them credit for, eh?). Most liberals claim that Bush was the (only) one that made the US lose face internationally--that would be true only if US history started in the year 2000 and if the Clintons and Carters never existed.Wave the flag and pass the apple pie, it's the next President of the United States. Thiibbbbttttt