Comments From Foreign Business-Tourists.

I just spent the last week with a couple of clients in Thailand, China and Hong Kong.  It was their first trip to Asia—there were here to help organize some production lines and visit some industry specific shows.  All in all it was a great trip.   While they were here I was reminded that the view of fist-timers is much much different than that of those of us that have been here a while.  So, here is a list of comments from this group of foreign business-tourists in China1.    More shocking than all the people is the air quality.  The athletes are going to scream when they see/smell the Beijing air.  I used to think that the pollution masks were silly, but now I think that the people wearing them are the only smart ones in China.2.    It’s an amazing country, but where’s the heart?  What do the Chinese people love and believe in?3.    When compared with Thailand, Hong Kong and even Cambodia the customer service attitude in China still leaves a lot to be desired.4.    The Beijing airport security was VERY lax considering there was an attempted hi-jacking over the weekend.5.    Do they really believe all this crap (CCTV news)?!  There is this whole world out there that these people just don’t know that they are missing.  Sad.6.    I’m sick of the Olympics already—and I’ve only been here one week!7.    The hacking was grosser than the smoking.8.    The fluidity of the “system” of traffic and people was amazing.  No honking, no rude gestures.  It just flowed.  And all the stuff they put on those bikes!  Wow.9.    When you come over here you can have either a “Chinese” experience or a completely Western experience.  They are completely different versions of the same country.And we also were able to confirm a couple of my previously unpublished but nonetheless true rules about Asia:When in Asia, you must:1.    Walk through the women’s lingerie department to find what ever it is you are shopping for.2.    Climb hundreds or even thousands of stone steps to see any cultural/historical relic or site.3.    Either pay out the nose or quickly learn that everything is negotiable.4.    Believe that money is more important than anything, except face.  Don’t fall for the big hullabaloo made over guanxi (relationships), money is what really moves business here.5.    Never ask for permission as the answer will always be either “no” or more money.


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