Crisis Averted! We're safe-GUARANTEED!

Rejoice!  Crisis averted.  Once again the Nanny State has saved us all from ourselves and the evil capitalist pigs.  Thank all that’s holy; we’re safe!I am relieved to report that the Chinese government confirms that there are no more substandard toys or food in China.  None.  The campaign was a “complete success.”  To quote one official in the article: “"The overall quality of Chinese-made toys will be further improved and safety will be fully guaranteed," he said.”This quality guarantee is great news.  Not only do I not have to hire any more QC guys but I can now pass this guarantee on to my clients—won’t they be relieved.  My wife will be thrilled too, that she doesn’t have to go to Hong Kong to buy baby formula any more—our kids are completely safe.  Whew.Of course this may put a few lawyers and 3PQC companies out of business.I wonder how this guarantee compares to the State guarantee of absolutely no illegal CD’s or DVD’s in China that I first saw in 1995.  Hmmmm….OK, maybe we’ll keep going to Hong Kong for formula.


Starting your own business in China--some additional comments.


China Fear Mongers