China Threat, part IV

Right on que, China provides the world with the answer to the question "why is China still haunted by the China Threat?"China's Ambassador to the US said to the BBC:"The moment Taiwan declares independence, supported by whoever, China will have no choice," he said. "We will do the business through whatever means available to the government. Nobody should have any illusions on that. We will do the business at any cost."He added: "It's not a matter of how big Taiwan is, but for China, one inch of the territory is more valuable than the life of our people. We will never concede on that."For full text, click here.Defending territory is understandble and even worth of support. But the final line is the kicker--people don't matter to the Chinese governement.That's the threat.


The Chinese RMB, US Politics and what it means for you


The China Threat, Part III