The China Price, by Alexandra Harney--BOOK REVIEW

This is a great book!In The China Price Alexandra Harney has documented all of the stories and rumors that you’ve ever hear about manufacturing in China and delivered them in a captivating and easy to digest format.  But its not just the details that are fascinating—the human stories are equally as captivating.Harney clearly defines what manufacturing in China costs the local people, the environment, governments, consumers, economies and of course laborers in China and international businesses.  She, to her credit, daringly exposes many of the secrets of manufacturing in China—uncovering the unspoken secrets, lies and deals that make China the manufacturing behemoth that it is.This book should stand along side other great books on China, like: China Business Etiquette, Inside Chinese Business and One Billion Customers as the MOQ of required reading for those planning to do business in China.  Contrast this book with others that have similar goals and you will find no comparison.  Books like The Coming China Wars (complete crap) can’t compare in terms of analysis, research or readability.Finally, this book resonated with me on both a personal and professional level.  I learned much about my wife, who moved from Jiangxi to Shenzhen in 1991, from reading about the factory girls that successfully moved up the corporate ladder from ranks of line worker ultimately to college-educated white-color professional.  This isn’t just a book about business it’s the true story of millions of Chinese workers.I highly recommend this book!


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